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Improving Bpost Overall Customer Experience by Utilizing Existing Data for Vulnerability Detection

The business problem

Bpost provides essential financial services to the majority of the Belgian population, staying true to their main business mission to “be and remain the human face in a digital and diverse society”. 

As their service is an indispensable part of people’s lives it is crucial to provide equal access and quality of service to everyone – average customers and customers with vulnerabilities, alike.  

We were tasked with executing a project about vulnerability detection as a targeted upgrade to Bpost existing customer insight program.  

Our Solution

We processed nearly 60 000 total pieces of text from Bpost’s feedback and complaint systems within their Vulnerable Customer Experience (vCX) tool,  powered by a text analytics engine, which relies on a specific ontology/taxonomy to identify more than 30 specific vulnerability signals in the open-ended texts customers write in complaint forms and satisfaction surveys.

As a next step, we developed an insight framework including:

  • Quantifying the broader vulnerability categories 
  • Understanding drivers for each category 
  • In-depth understanding of drivers and potential harms 
  • Prioritisation matrix 

Quantifying the vulnerabilities and their impact, empowered Bpost to innovate around these vulnerabilities and secure investments for creative workaround.

The Business Impact

Тhe quantitative analysis really helped Bpost emphasis on the importance of these issues and to prioritise the planned improvement actions for the future.  

Bpost used three major criteria for this: 

  • Focus on the 3 major categories that are most important to Bpost’s strategy 
  • Focus on the leading signal in each of the categories 
  • Improvement actions that will target more than 1 of those drivers at once

The analysis of vulnerable customers has made it very clear that Bpost must focus on educating, and not just on informing. As a result, Bpost have planned the publication of a retail magazine.

A second step in humanizing complaint experiences is simplifying customers’ digital journey, as customers seek a less automated approach. Today, customer service answers the most frequent recurring complaints manually and personally, which results in an important increase in satisfaction for these customers with 20%. To treat customers more efficiently, Bpost also runs quarterly verbal aggression trainings for the staff, where they train them how to cope with special cases and how to do non-violent communication. 

Project Trivia:

About Company: Belgian Post Group

Industry: Postal Services

Company Size: 30 00+ employees

Location: Belgium

GemSeek Capabilities: Text Analytics, Voice of the Customer, Vulnerable Customer Experience

Retain, Advance and Grow your customers with predictive customer analytics.

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