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Level up product experience testing with Solution VOC market simulator

A product launch without proper validation is like an expensive coin toss. GemSeek’s intuitive market simulator empowers you to build a solution, measure price elasticity and preference in a simulated competitive market environment. You can test an unlimited number of combinations between solution features, levels and price upon their discretion, and get data-driven suggestions which of those combinations will be most preferred by the target audience (or a segment). Тhe tool is a one-of-a-kind solution studying how people take decisions regarding complex products or services. 

The most efficient and comprehensive method for product testing

Reduced Risk

95% of product launches fail due to wrong go-to-market strategies. Our service significantly lowers this risk, especially crucial in industries like MedTech or B2B where stakes are high

Technology-Driven Insights

Unlike traditional methods that rely on subjective responses, our VoC simulator uses choice-based conjoint or adaptive choice-based conjoint studies data for more accurate results

Holistic Scope

We don't just focus on one stakeholder group. Our studies include all key decision-makers, offering a 360-degree view of market needs and perceptions

Bias-Free Methodology

Our double-blinded approach ensures the absolute truthfulness of the data, setting us apart from standard practices in the industry

Your Roadmap to Market Truths: A 4-Step Journey

Step One

During the Project Kick-off, we set clear objectives and timelines, creating a well-defined roadmap that ensures alignment from day one. 

Step Two

We develop and execute a meticulous Primary Quantitative survey, keeping you updated at every stage for maximum data reliability.

Step Three

We dive deep into Data Analytics, offering comprehensive insights into feature utility, value drivers, and adoption barriers, empowering you to make data-backed decisions.

Step Four

In the Outputs and Delivery phase we provide you with a strategic report and one-year access to GemSeek’s market simulator, arming you with actionable insights and tools for confident strategic planning.

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