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Unlock the full potential of your organisation’s data with CX Analytics Advisory

In today’s business environment data is abundant but actionable insights are scarce, organisations often struggle to evolve from basic customer metrics to advanced CX analytics solutions. Our CX Analytics Advisory service guides you through the complexities of maturing your analytics capabilities, from Descriptive to Predictive and Prescriptive analytics. By doing so, we empower you to make data-driven decisions that elevate customer satisfaction, drive revenue growth, and secure a long-term competitive advantage. 

Custom solution for every stage of organizational maturity

Descriptive Analytics: Know Your Customer's Journey

Through customer journey mapping and maturity assessments, we provide a detailed view of your customer's interactions with your brand. Gain actionable insights to identify pain points and opportunities, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively and improve customer satisfaction:

  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Maturity Assessment

Predictive Analytics: Anticipate Customer Needs

Our CX insights and analytics workshops equip you with the tools to forecast customer behavior and trends. Based on your organisations’ data maturity, we recommend custom predictive models that enable proactive experience management:

  • CX Insights and Analytics Workshops
  • Custom predictive models

Prescriptive Analytics: Take Targeted Actions

With services like CX analytics enablement, action prioritization, and close-the-loop design, we guide you on the specific steps to Maximize ROI by focusing on high-impact areas and implementing proven outer loop best practices:

  • CX Program Design
  • CX Analytics Enablement
  • CX Business Cases
  • Action Prioritisation
  • Closed Loop Design & Optimisation
  • Outer Loop best practices

Why choose us?

Holistic Approach

While most services focus on one aspect of CX analytics, we offer a comprehensive suite that covers Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive analytics


Our team of seasoned CX professionals brings years of industry experience and best practices to the table

Custom Solutions

We tailor our advisory services to meet the unique needs and challenges of your business, ensuring maximum impact

How it’s done

Initial Assessment

A thorough review of your current CX landscape, including customer journey mapping and maturity assessment.

Workshops and Training

Customized CX insights and analytics workshops to upskill your team.

Action Plan

A detailed roadmap that includes CX analytics enablement, business cases, action prioritization, and close-the-loop design strategies.

Ongoing Support

Regular check-ins and updates to ensure that you are on the right track, along with guidance on implementing outer loop best practices

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